It’s Time for a New Adventure

Hello my crafty friends! I have been going through a season of change in my life and making some decisions to shake things up. One of those decisions I am sharing with you today, and that is I have resigned as a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator. I have been a demonstrator since 2011 and have loved all the things I have learned, the friends I have made, and the adventures we have shared. It’s been amazing. Mary Fish has been an amazingly talented and kind mentor, always sharing of her knowledge, friendship and time.

Life is never constant, it is always flowing and changing, that is the nature order of things. I have come to embrace the idea change. It keeps things interesting! So with that in mind, I am off on a new adventure!!

I’ll be back soon with more details on what is next for me. For now, thank you all for your encouraging words, I appreciate every one of you!!


  1. Ellen Hinds says:

    Dear Shannon, Where ever God takes you. I know that you will be amazing. I know that I have enjoyed your talents and all the things you have shared all of these years. Good luck where ever the next chapter of your life will take you. God Bless You Always.Ellen Hinds

  2. Strickland Phyllis says:

    I am not surprised! I have ‘been expecting it. You are so talented that it seems Stampin up would be too limiting for you.

    I can’t wait to read about whats next for you. I’m sure it is awesome!

  3. Nancy Farrell says:

    Shannon, Just like Abby on NCIS, you must follow your gut. I will certainly miss your cards. I know you just did your craft room over and I hope it will continue to bring you joy.
    Be Blessed!

  4. Liz says:

    Wishing you all the best on your new adventures! I hope you will still be paper crafting and continue to share your work with us, you are an inspiration!

  5. Kimberly Holman says:

    Although I’m sad to lose you as my Stampin’ Up upline, I’m excited for you on your new journey. Variety is the spice of life!! Besides….you can’t get rid of me. I know where you live….I know where you work….I can find you! bahahahaha!

  6. Diane S says:

    You are so very talented, and I always looked forward to your posts. I know you will be successful in whatever you decide to do next.

  7. Rosemarie C says:

    Shannon wishing you the best whatever the new adventure is for you. Your paper crafting talent will bring joy to you whatever you are creating.

  8. DebiKT says:

    Congratulations, Shannon, on your re-set. I can’t wait to hear what the next chapter brings. You are one very talented designer!

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